How to feel more comfortable with public speaking

How to feel more comfortable with public speaking....

Probably no news to you that public speaking is one of things people are MOST afraid of...even more than death! (!?) Does this describe you?


Here’s something that might help.

I stumbled upon a strategy last year when there was "no where to hide" before I started my talk.

Let me explain - typically when you're speaking you get introduced, and emerge from behind the stage or curtain. It's a moment of reveal. And while it's fun, in my view it creates A LOT of distance between you and your audience.

On this particular day there was no where to "hide" and I got to the room early.

At first as people trickled in, I smiled but maintained distance.

By the time the fifth person came into the room a light bulb turned on.

I realized I actually had a huge opportunity to build rapport and make some allies before the talk even began. I went up to folks who were sitting alone, said hi, and struck up a short conversation.

By the time we were ready to begin the talk, I'd spoken to about 10 people in the room personally.

Although I'm normally not nervous to take the stage, on this day I felt even more comfortable than usual.


Because 10% of the room already knew me and had shared a smile! As I made eye contact with the audience, I saw people I felt I already knew.

The room felt more like a community right from the start.

Now I do it every time and it's one of the things audiences say makes me stand out as a speaker.


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